Ack! So I missed the Mythbusters episode... TV sucks without Tivo... : (
Anyway, on to the post!
I decided to pick up AFI's "I Heard a Voice" As I checked out, I realized that I do not formally own any AFI music. It turns out, I was listening to a copy of my friend's disk. I would have never bought this CD, if I had not listened to their music before. This brings up the conversation of a different side of piracy. I'll admit, piracy is probably hurting the artists' sales quite a bit. However, its not all bad for them. If their music is more readily available, people can discover it, and sales are going to result from that. It also has to do with a mutual respect and trust between artists and their listeners. If an artist releases good music that will play on every device, most honest people will have no problem paying for it. However, once they start encumbering it with DRM, some fans may begin to lose respect and download the music illegally.
And, by the way, AFI's "I Heard a Voice" is an awesome CD. It comes with 18 songs, so you'll definitely be getting your money's worth. ; )