A blog about technology, my (non)exciting life, and the best energy drink ever: Bawls.


My Internet is Faster!

Woohoo! So, we combined some packages and such with Verizon and DirecTV. They said we could get faster Internet at a lower price. We were supposed to get 3 Mbps, but apparently the signal is not strong enough. Anyway, my Internet is now 1.5 Mbps. Which is about 2.5 times of what I had. I wasn't getting what I supposed to get (768 Kbps) to begin with, but now I'm getting a "true" 1.5 Mbps. It seems faster.



Anonymous said...

well if you really wanna test it go on our server when your mom is on the internet lol, you usually get about 400 ping lol

brian said...

it does suck however that you are too far from the host to get 3mbps.

Kyle Waldron said...

Aha, cept you dusn't have a server...

Anonymous said...

true that but, and server that has like <50 latency gets me 5-10 pingo so that should work just put it on your filters