A blog about technology, my (non)exciting life, and the best energy drink ever: Bawls.



I found a uber sweet and simple Firefox extension in Maximum PC. It's called Personas. Its just a really easy way to theme Firefox. It simply adds a background to it that looks a bit like this:

Click on that to get a better view. You can choose one of the backgrounds that comes with it or create your own. It's quite a nifty and simple extension... Check it out.


Sun is lame!

Screenshot for PC Burnout Paradise on 3 Screens!

I went to the beach yesterday to show off my awesome boogie boarding skills. But, I was sunburned really bad even though I put sunscreen on... lame! When I got home, I slept on and off until now. I still feel really nauseous and tired. Its a weird feeling, but I got it during last summer after playing ultimate.

Bleh, anyway... I downloaded a demo of Burnout Paradise on my brother's PS3 in an attempt to fulfill my strange obsession with crashing things. It is a very pretty game, and the crashes are even prettier. All the cars react with real physics. If there is a head on collision, it will shrink up. If its a flip, the top of the car will contract. If you have a 360 or PS3, you can download the demo right now (or buy the game) . PC owners are going to have to wait until its released for it. However, the PC version supports 2 or more monitors! You can download a video of that in action here. Apparently, its going to be "rebuilt specifically for the PC" with "expanded multiplayer, enhanced online features, and community driven content." This is just freaking awesome! I love when developers actually spend time on their PC release instead of just throwing out a sloppy port. I don't really care if we get the game when it comes out for the consoles. Just release it later and make sure its good.

Picked up some more Bawls... Its quite readily available down here.

That's all for now...



Firefox 3, Zune, and Bonus Random Ramblings!

^ random picture to make this post a bit more interesting.

Hey all! Its been a while, I know. But I have been blogging, just not actually posting it... Right now I have 3 posts that are started, just not finished. Heh... Yeah. You start to appreciate the work of a blogger after you have a blog. Alright, well 'nuff complaining...

Firefox 3! Hopefully you have this program open right now while you are viewing this text...(After all, 82.76% of visitors to this blog use Firefox.) I didn't really want to blog about it right after it was released because there wasn't much that I could personally say about it. After using it for a couple weeks, I can honestly say its quite a bit faster, especially starting up. It also seems more stable. There isn't too many new "features" per se, but some of my favorites are the new bookmarking system and the way that Firefox "camouflages" itself depending on what operating system you're using. Also, if you were wondering, my firefox hack works with this version. Overall, I'd say, it was a very sucessful release. Firefox 2 lacked a bit, but it seems that Firefox 3 has fixed most (if not all) of my problems with it. Although there wasn't a large abundance of new features, I'll take stablity over new features anyday.

I got a Zune 80 GB! Yes, I do love it, but I'm not going to talk about it here, because I have another post in the works for that. One feature I will talk about is "The Social." I did not buy the Zune for it, but I was surprised how cool it is. I'm referring to the online part of the social. There is also the whole sharing music with other Zunes thing, but there isn't enough people that have a Zune to make it actually useful. Anyway, the Zune software and the device itself records what you listen to and then will post those records on your online Zune profile. It shows what albums you listened to, your most played songs, and even awards for how many times you listened to a certain group or album. People can drag your so-called Zune card, and listen to your five top songs on their Zune. I think its quite a cool concept to find new music and find out what your friends are listening to. The only problem is that all of your friends don't have a Zune... Mah Zune Profile

Hmm... The post is longer than I thought. Just a couple more random ramblings... Recently had my 2nd Bawls Cherry. A bit more Cherry-ish than I remember, but still freaking amazing. I have been listening to the Flobots CD: "Fight With Tools" after hearing "Handlebars." I can't say its something I'd normally listen to, but its quite good. It has a bunch of different genres mixed in along with a powerful message. If you haven't seen the Handlebars music video yet, it is definitely worth checking out. The underlying message seems to have a different meaning to everyone I have talked to and made me really want to watch V for Vendetta (so then I did.). Let me know what you think in the comments...

And... that's it. Be sure to check out all the links I snuck in my post...
