A blog about technology, my (non)exciting life, and the best energy drink ever: Bawls.


Sun is lame!

Screenshot for PC Burnout Paradise on 3 Screens!

I went to the beach yesterday to show off my awesome boogie boarding skills. But, I was sunburned really bad even though I put sunscreen on... lame! When I got home, I slept on and off until now. I still feel really nauseous and tired. Its a weird feeling, but I got it during last summer after playing ultimate.

Bleh, anyway... I downloaded a demo of Burnout Paradise on my brother's PS3 in an attempt to fulfill my strange obsession with crashing things. It is a very pretty game, and the crashes are even prettier. All the cars react with real physics. If there is a head on collision, it will shrink up. If its a flip, the top of the car will contract. If you have a 360 or PS3, you can download the demo right now (or buy the game) . PC owners are going to have to wait until its released for it. However, the PC version supports 2 or more monitors! You can download a video of that in action here. Apparently, its going to be "rebuilt specifically for the PC" with "expanded multiplayer, enhanced online features, and community driven content." This is just freaking awesome! I love when developers actually spend time on their PC release instead of just throwing out a sloppy port. I don't really care if we get the game when it comes out for the consoles. Just release it later and make sure its good.

Picked up some more Bawls... Its quite readily available down here.

That's all for now...


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