A blog about technology, my (non)exciting life, and the best energy drink ever: Bawls.


I'm a trend setter.

So my friends decided to start blogs too... So here's a plug:
-->Ted's Blog
-->Nick's Blog

Warehouse 13 tonight too, hopefully its as good as last week's episode. Claudia is, dare I say, growing on me!

And over the past two weeks or so, I became a Browncoat and a huge Dollhouse fan. And even got my brother and his girlfriend started (and finished) on Firefly/Serenity! More on that and the shows that I'll be watching this season in an attempt to heal my wounds of TSCC being canceled... Speaking of Terminator: How can you resist?!



Ted Moke said...

Lol yes kevin you are the only reason i made a blog. You inspired me to go on blog streaks for about a month and take a three month break ;D

kevin said...

See, I knew it. And I can't help my sporadic blogging.