A blog about technology, my (non)exciting life, and the best energy drink ever: Bawls.


Nearly finished.

Well... I finally got around to updating things a bit around here. It's pretty much the final design at this point, except for adding a few more links to things and such. I have to work with the colors of the text a bit more. I think the logo came out pretty good (seen above). I was just staring at t l b together before I had the logo up there, and it just kinda came to me. Let me know what you think in the comments... thanks.



Ted said...

I think the blue for links should be a brighter, bawlsier, blue. i dunno if you are using cmyk color though. cmyk really seems to limit brightness. rgb ftw

theChen92 said...

I opened up to your blog and was shocked! it is very black and blue. I think you need to experiment with color a bit. Think back to mondrian design with the use of boxes, rules and lines that reinforce the grid. look at some other blogs for inspiration. I really think that the black background is really limiting your options with color because you can only read so many colors on a dark background and often, using a bright yellow or green becomes overbearing an creates a page that looks busy. I like the logo, but I think you should add some color to that too because it seems very bland, so it doesn't really stick out. looking at other blogs, I found that they use intense backgrounds, so the black you're using could work, but then they use boxes to outline each post or column with a basic white or gray so that they can use a plain text color without making the page look boring. Also, many use a different font, font size, and color for the headlines to differentiate it from the story...

look at these for some inspiration: http://wpwebhost.com/45-well-designed-wordpress-blogs/

I like the new direction, I just think it needs some work, remember the principles of mondrion design